Why is motion data the “new gold” in health-tech/ AI?

Live on stage during the GIANT Health Event 2021  – Motesque’s CEO Prof. Dr. Kai Oberländer and CSO Dietmar Hagen Horn are in the MLab, Motesque’s product development and research facility, presenting “why is motion data the new gold in health-tech / AI“?

Furthermore Prof. Dr. Kai Oberländer illustrates how Motesque accesses and analyzes motion data and generates value for medical processes. Motesque records motion data to transform these into personalized recommendations to help making judgements in healthcare and sports situations. But how can Motesque generate recommendations that go far beyond subjective assessments? And why was this not possible years ago?

They take a deeper look at three use cases of Motesque technologies, showing how Motesque creates value from motion data and applies it to the world of sports, health and recreation.

For more information about our technology, contact us via contact@motesque.com.

Picture of Prof. Dr. Kai Oberländer

Prof. Dr. Kai Oberländer

CEO of Motesque, thought leader,
and international biomechanics expert

Picture of Dietmar Hagen Horn

Dietmar Hagen Horn

Diplom Biologist and CSO of Motesque

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